Intrusion Plus Update!

Over the past month, I've been working on Intrusion Plus, an improved version of Bullet Hell jam game with my two friends.
The jam version had some rushed parts that I wished had more polish, and that is what this expansion should add!
First, a proper tutorial.
It's very confusing for the player to intuitively shoot the enemy projectile with the weaken laser, so text that actually tells you that would be helpful.
WOAH the ability to pause? I am really good at programming so this is the first game I made where you could pause. Truly a revolution
Quips! Everyone likes a good joke! You won't get any here though. A big part of the original that a large section of people seemed to enjoy was exploring new bullets and surprise that awaits, so some added text flair wouldn't hurt.
There is also a new boss! No spoilers for it though, but I am proud to say that our artist did an amazing job making it menacing and unique.
Here are some other stuff that are added
- Difficulty Modes (Basically just health modifiers)
- Improved GFX (Some improved textures and particle effects)
- Improved Performance for Intrusion transitions
- Improved Transition time ("cutscenes" are shorter and weaken laser easier to charge)
- Result Screen
- Options (Change Controls or set some moves to toggle)
- Nerfed Lighthouse
There were lots of things I would like to learn in the future, such as performance, but I want to finish this project so I can work on new fun projects.
Until next time,
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